DDU-GKY stands for Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana. It is a skill development program launched by the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India. The objective of DDU-GKY is to provide employment opportunities to rural youth, particularly those from economically weaker sections of society, by providing them with market-oriented skills training.

DDU-GKY focuses on providing training to rural youth in various sectors such as construction, hospitality, healthcare, retail, and agriculture, among others. The program aims to enhance their employability and income generation capabilities. The training is provided by empanelled training partners across the country.

In the state of Rajasthan, DDU-GKY is implemented to address the skill development needs of rural youth in the state from 22nd February 2022. Various training programs are conducted in collaboration with training providers and industry partners to provide skill-based training to eligible candidates. The program aims to empower rural youth by equipping them with skills that are in demand in the job market, thereby facilitating their entry into the formal workforce.

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Details of training under DDU-GKY (Rajasthan)

No of Candidates

Trades of Training

Allotted -300 Retail Sales Associates with Retail Trainee Associates

 It-Ites (Voice and Non-voice)

Total Trained -70
Under Training -105
Placed – 64
Assessment -NIL